As young men and women living in the 21st century, we all face struggles in the same areas of our lives at one point or another. On this site I will reveal some of the personal struggles that I have faced and the insights that I have gained through prayer, study and personal time with God.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I Am Enough

As women living in the 21st century we are constantly bombarded by images that tell us subconsciously and consciously that we are not enough. We are not tall enough. We are not short enough. Our bodies are not slim enough or curvaous enough. We are not smart enough or articulate enough. We are not pretty enough or nice enough. We live in a society were women have to literally fight for their self-esteem. We have to fight for our well being. Magazines, movies, music videos, bosses, men, other women, parents, boyfriends and husbands --all (intentionally and unintentionally) tell us that we are not enough. In order to live the well-rounded and healthy life that you are entitled to have, it is important that you internally fight against those images, expressions or spoken and unspoken words, which make you feel that you are lacking in one area or another. In order to operate in the authority and power that is your birthright you have to get to a place where you emotionally and spiritually embrace the fact that you ARE enough.

Your birth was preordained before the foundations of the earth. Before God thought to even create a world, He preordained the fact that you and all of your wonderfulness would come to be. Rick Warren in his book The Purpose Driven Life tells us that we are so important to God that He carefully wove and constructed every single aspect of who we are. All of those areas that you are uncomfortable with were designed so that you could become a better person. Those areas were created so that you can add an experience, perspective and voice to the world that no one else can.

The Bible tells us that God knows the exact number of hairs on our head. If something as insignificant as the number of hairs on our head is to known to God, how do we ever reach a place where we feel that we are lacking physically, emotionally, or intellectually?

Understand the following: You are fearlessly and wonderfully made AND you are who you were created to be. Stop and think about this for a moment-YOU ARE WHO YOU WERE CREATED TO BE. At this very moment you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Please do not take this out of context. This does not mean that we are perfect in the current state that we are in. You must remember that there is always room to grow in areas of your life. However, these areas should never bring you down or make you feel less than the next person. These areas should be seen as a stepping stone and an opportunity to become better than who you are today. You are amazing today. You are enough today. And tomorrow, there is room to be greater.

As women, there is a certain amount of authority and power that we have been given. If you want to walk in this authority and power you must understand and embrace the fact that you are enough. Do not think about it. Do not debate it. Do not analyze it. Simply accept this statement as truth . . . because it is. Every day that you wake up, you must tell yourself "I am enough." Verbal mantras that are spoken continuously and written down for you to visualize eventually come to pass in your mind and in your spirit. When you understand that you are enough, you will make better decisions emotionally, physically and professionally. These decisions will build upon and enhance the great person that you are. It is only then that you can open yourself to receive all that the universe has for you and simultaneously give unselfishly and unconditionally to the universe in return.

Friday, April 01, 2005

It's Not About You!

Coming Soon!

To be ignored. To be excluded. To be treated as if you and your opinions do not count. The unmistakable knowledge that are you being treated unfairly. These are some of the harshest realities of life. This article will help you understand that often times the way co-workers, people AND family members treat you has nothing to do with you. Inspite of how people treat you, your responsibility is to live and walk in love, integrity and forgiveness. . . COMPLETE ARTICLE COMING SOON . . .